The Impact of Digital Use on Social Interactions: How to Reconnect

When we think of digital use, our minds may paradoxically take us in two opposing directions. While it’s true digital use provides convenience, connection, and awareness, it is also a space of disconnection and uncertainty. The shift from face-to-face interactions to remote and digital communication has been monumental, and we couldn’t have fully anticipated its impact on us as individuals and as a society.  

While the transition to remote and digital platforms is constantly evolving, they present plenty of opportunities to unite, connect, and embrace new forms of interactions. Whether you’re curious about the impact of digital use for yourself or you’re ready to change how you engage with it, this article will guide you through the complexities of our digital world. To change how we relate to anything, we must first become aware of the impact it has on us. From this awareness, we empower ourselves to make a change.  

Connecting to some while Disconnecting from others 

Let’s start with a personal account. I encourage you to be open-minded and take a moment to reflect on your experience with digital platforms. Connect to what’s real for you as we begin this journey of exploration.  

I was sitting on my patio, sharing memories with my family. The sun was shining, the kids were laughing, and the barbeque was grilling our favorite homemade patties. Suddenly, my phone pings, and I snapped out of it. I could no longer hear the laughter, smell the food, or feel the sun on my skin; everything went quiet. My attention had drifted, and I was scrolling through social media and responding to messages. Within a few moments, the kids were tugging at my shirt, begging for attention and the rest of the family was inside plating their food. How long was I gone for, I wondered? A sting of guilt struck me in the chest. I should have been paying more attention to the kids, the conversation, and my family; I was torn. I was messaging friends overseas I hadn’t spoken to in ages. 

If this doesn’t sound familiar, maybe you’ve stayed clear of the social media vortex. Perhaps for you, it’s work, doomscrolling, or Youtube videos. Whatever it is, I invite you to keep it at the forefront of your mind. Why does this line get blurred and how does it impact us and our surroundings? 

Real-Talk Time 

We all have some form of relationship with digital platforms- hey, if it weren’t for these platforms, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now! Not ALL bad, right? 

In this section, we will openly explore the negative impacts digital use can have. From a place of openness and compassion, reflect and ask yourself in any of these resonate with you: 

  • Decreased Face-to-Face Interactions: Digital devices take our time, energy, and attention away from connecting and engaging in face-to-face interactions. As a result, we’re more likely to experience feelings of loneliness and isolation. 
  • Distractibility: Our ability to follow-through on tasks is impacted negatively as we’re often distracted, multitasking, and not fully engaged or present with the activity in front of us.  
  • Reliance: Digital platforms often disconnect us from our physical surroundings and emotional awareness. When our ability to cope with everyday stressors is depleted, digital platforms provide short-term relief. If repeated, we may become reliant on this coping mechanism.   
  • Detached from Reality: Communication through digital platforms creates a barrier to empathy where harassing, demeaning, and bullying messages can be common. 
  • Mental Health and Substance Use Concerns: Disconnection from ourselves and peers, and a detachment from reality can impact our mental health. Feelings of isolation, loneliness, social anxiety and shame arise, increasing the likelihood of using substances to escape emotional discomfort.  

Balancing it Out 

Now let’s consider how digital platforms can have the power to unite and connect us.  

  • Communication and Connectivity: Digital use provides a massive platform to meet new people, join groups, connect with relatives, and rally support for one another.  
  • Creativity and Expression: Digital platforms provide endless opportunities to creatively express yourself. Whether it’s drawing, coloring, writing poetry, singing, making music, or dancing – digital platforms support, embrace, and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and into your power to express yourself! 
  • Education and Learning: Educational resources are endless and accessible at the tip of your fingers. We can enroll and participate in programs to learn beyond our means of travel.  
  • Entertainment and Leisure: Streaming services, musical outlets, and social media platforms offer a space to explore a range of interests. Whether we’re relaxing, socially interacting with friends, or listening to the latest hits, digital use provides us with the space to rest and connect.  
  • Healthcare and Wellness: We have greater access to medical resources, healthcare services, and personal information like the ALAViDA TRAiL, where you are able to access resources for challenges with substance use. 

Connection or Disconnection: That is the Question! 

Now that we’ve taken some time to openly explore digital use, our relationship with it, and the impacts it has in our lives, let us answer THE question – is it a space of connection or disconnection? 

The answer is that it can be both. But if it’s only disconnecting us from our surroundings, negatively impacting our mental and physical health, or increasing our likelihood of using substances, this might be influenced by a few factors: 

  • Intention – Ask yourself why you use digital platforms. When you open an app, or browse through articles, connect with your why. Developing an intention can be as easy as asking yourself a few important questions. What am I here for? How long do I want to engage with this platform? Am I being drawn in more than I want to be? The more this intention is brought to your awareness, the more likely your use will align with it, creating a more positive experience. 
  • Boundaries – Work, school, and socializing has become more convenient within the walls of our home and through the lens of our screens. Because of this, it’s important to create boundaries around how, when, and where you use digital platforms. This could simply mean not looking at your phone past 7pm or leaving your home office door shut at the end of a workday to signal that you won’t be carrying it into the evening. Tailor your boundaries to meet your needs.
  • Activities with the People You Care About – The more engaged we are with the people around us, the less likely we are to lose ourselves in the digital reality. Whether this is watching your favorite movie, hosting a dinner party, or getting out in nature, the more you are connected to your physical surroundings, the less digital use will negatively impact you.
  • Awareness – Shifting our relationship with digital platforms to align with a more positive, healthy experience takes time. In this context, awareness simply means noticing when you reach for the device and how long you stay there. Without judgement, take a breath, slow it down, and check in with yourself. The very act of slowing down and mindfully witnessing yourself engage in these activities empowers you to reflect your intention, boundaries, and surroundings.  

There’s no denying the profound impact digital use can have on us as individuals and society. Overuse can result in negative impacts on our mental health and physical wellbeing.  The constant barrage of notifications and information we consume every day can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. While social media has been designed to unite and connect us with others, it often leads to unrealistic expectations and comparisons, contributing to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.  

How we experience digital use depends on how we are experiencing ourselves, but this can quickly get out of hand and due to the nature of these platforms, it can lead to excessive screen time, disrupting our sleep and reducing our time with our loved ones. You have the power within you to shift your relationship with digital use to align with your intentions and goals.  

Changing your relationship with digital use requires understanding why you crave their use in the first place. By identifying the underlying need, you can effectively find a healthier way to address it and drive the change you are looking for in your life, without feeling you are fully disconnecting from your close environment.  

ALAViDA offers a wide range of support options to help you change your relationship with alcohol and other substances, in addition to resources on digital use, gambling and more. Access this link to explore further. 

About the author:

Brianne is a Certified Canadian Addiction Counsellor, a Registered Professional Counsellor – Candidate, and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. She is a registered member of the Canadian Addiction Counsellor Certification Federation and the Canadian Professional Counselling Association. For over a decade, she has been committed to training and supporting individuals and families within the private and public sector. Brianne brings a unique, holistic approach to understanding and treating substance using behaviours.